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Eastpoint Supports Circus Starr

A £100 donation has been made to Circus Starr, a local community event.

For over 35 years, Circus Starr has been holding accessible and inclusive circus shows. This enables vulnerable and disabled children to have the chance to enjoy live arts.

One parent said:

“Because of your show I got to see this huge smile and hear roars of laughter coming from my son. Sometimes I forget the sound of his laughter, so this made me cry happy tears. I have never seen him laugh and cheer the way he did.

His hands, arms and legs were twisting, and he was dancing away in his wheelchair. It was just beautiful as a Mum to watch. I can honestly say it was the first time I have ever been out and witnessed my son lose some of the weight of the world off his shoulders.”

Circus Starr’s next event will take place on Sunday 15th January 2023, at The Marina Theatre in Lowestoft.

To find out more about Circus Starr, visit their website here >>

Every year, we donate more than 10% of our profits to charities.

We are big supporters of both local and national charities. You can find out more about our CSR by visiting the sustainability section of our website.