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Wizard Wipes, the cloth that makes MAGIX, Magic!

We have noticed that people see our Show-me Wizard Wipes as a one-time use cloth, thus appear expensive. So we have decided to look into the longevity of the product.

During a two day event we went through the same ‘draw, spray and wipe’ process approximately 128 times.

We noticed that Wizard Wipes keep working as long as the cloth is dry.
However, the cloth performs much better when you use a clean dry area of the cloth, an area where the cloth is the original white.

We knew that the cloths would last a long time but before these events we did not know just how many.

So, we set ourselves a challenge to find out how many times you can effectively use a single Wizard Wipe when cleaning whiteboards.

The Setup

Knowing that for a proper ‘real-world’ test we’d need a lot of whiteboards that had ink on them, especially ones that have had the ink on them for at least a few days if not longer, this is where our onsite team of hoarders came into their element.

We not only recovered old example boards but we get the whole office to use whiteboards rather than paper and not wipe off the ink.

This activity not only saved paper and sticky notes but gave us a huge range of boards to clean.

We accumulated:

  • 94 whiteboards that were at least four days
  • 63 whiteboards that were at least two months (from a previous school visit)
  • And an impressive collection of 46 whiteboards from a previous product training 18 months previous

The Equipment

We knew at the beginning of this test that we wanted to test the durability of the cloths as well as the amount of times a single bottle of 100ml Show-me MAGIX could be used. The 100ml bottle is our normal sample bottle, included in every genuine classpack or bulk box of Show-me A4 whiteboards.

We would use just one bottle of MAGIX, as many Wizard Wipes as needed and a whiteboard eraser.

All of the products used are available to purchase through one of our distributors.


The Process

Clean as many boards as we could using the equipment listed above, no magic, just Wizard (wipes) and MAGIX (cleaner).

The whole process was filmed, so that we could use it as a demonstration.

One-by-one we removed as much ink from the surface, then sprayed the board with MAGIX and wiped the board with a Wizard Wipe, repeating these steps until the board was clean. 

The Results

3.5 hours of cleaning later, the bottle of 100ml MAGIX was empty, and we only used four wipes in total.

Each cloth lasted for 48 boards, which is approximately 105 wipes for cleaner. One bottle of MAGIX sprayed 371 times and cleaned 148 boards.

Check out the extended 6 minute version here: