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Things get Muddy!

Back in January our amazing Business Operations Manager, Karin, signed up for the Norwich Pretty Muddy 5K 2021.

After spending the majority of 2020 not leaving the house, Karin wanted to get fit and decided to set herself a goal to aim for, with the help of a couple of gym friends for motivation! She decided on the muddy obstacle course as she could enjoy herself with the bonus of raising money for cancer research.

Pretty Muddy 5K took place 17th October, and although Karin ended up in the mud 4 times, luckily it was not face-first!

Various members of staff sponsored Karin, and Eastpoint kindly sponsored an additional £100.

Karin has so far raised an incredible £335, and her page is still open. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, click here >>

To find out more about Cancer Research UK, click here >>